Sunday, November 11, 2012


On the way in to soccer practice, Beck and I overheard a dad getting after his son and as we passed them Beckam said over his shoulder, "Good luck with that!"
Mac was eating a pear and Beckam asked him, "What is that?" to which Mac replied, "a pear." Beckam then asked, "A 'pair' of what?"

Thursday, October 4, 2012

I gave Beckam some minty gum the other day and after chewing on it a minute or so he said, "This gum makes my tongue all tingly and it makes my mouth feel like a hot tub." I think I see an excellent writing career in his future.

I received an e-mail this week containing this message:
"On Sunday I covered the CTR 7 class for the last 10 minutes of church.  I have to tell you how impressed I was by McCade!  The Maxfields left some delicious smelling microwave popcorn for their class but McCade politely turned it down, saying, "I'm fasting."  Even though all the other students were happily chomping on popcorn right next to him, he never waivered.  And he was cheerful about it.  I told my family the story on the way home and one of my children who is older than McCade but shall remain nameless said, "He puts me to shame".  True!!!  Our older kids are having a hard time fasting cheerfully and with purpose.  Patrick and I are wondering if you can share with us how you teach fasting to your kids."
One thing I know about Mac is that when he makes up his mind to do something, he's going to do it! He makes me proud!

For a very long time now, Jaxton has been adding in his prayers, "Please bless Heavenly Father and Jesus."  I've tried to explain how it isn't really necessary to say that since that's who he's talking to, but he just keeps saying it.  But, I suppose after all that Heavenly Father and Jesus do for us, it only makes sense for them to throw a blessing or two their own way.

Jaxton was chosen as the first Terrific Kid of the year.  His teachers had this to say about him:
Jaxton enjoys writing stories.  He really gets excited when he can share his stories with the class.  Jaxton likes math and reading too.  He knows the Eagle 4 classroom expectations.  Jaxton is respectful, responsible, safe and proactive.  We are so happy Jaxton is in our 1st grade class!

Whenever Beckam gets in trouble lately and I say something like, "Beck, stop doing that." He comes back with , "What?! It's appropriate!"  I'm not sure where he got it from, but he says it so much that Jilli now says it too, but hers sounds more like, "What?! It's approfiate!"

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Since Mac has been baptized he has made fasting a priority each Fast Sunday.  The night before this month's Fast Sunday, he woke up in the middle of the night complaining of a stomach ache and then dry heaved, but it never amounted to actual throw up.  In the morning he woke up with a headache and when I suggested that this might not be the best Sunday for him to fast since he wasn't feeling 100%, he argued that besides his head hurting, he was fine and he wanted to fast.  Throughout the morning, his headache continued and when I went to warm up some leftover pizza for the other kids, I waved a piece in front of him and said, "I think this would help your head feel better," to which he firmly replied, "No.  I'm fine.  I'm fasting."  And bless his heart, he did fast his full two meals, despite his persistent headache and even me tempting him with food.  I do love that boy and his strong-willed ways!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Jaxton and I pulled in to our neighborhood today after church and Jax said, "Hey mom, what are those three flags for again?" I replied, "That one is for North Carolina, that one is for America and that one is the Centex flag." After thinking that over he thoughtfully asked, "Now what do they speak in Centex?" LOVE that kid! (fyi, Centex is the builder for our neighborhood)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Things to remember about Mac's baptism:
- Mac was baptized in Logan, UT on March 3, 2012
- All Peterson and Olsen family members were there, except for Kim and Brandon's family, including both Grandma Great's
- Mac swam out into the font (legs kicking and arms paddling)
- When Nate dunked him, Mac kicked his feet over and over to keep them from coming up
- After being baptized Mac swam out of the font (to everyone's delight!)
- Mac and Aidan sang "We Will Bring the World His Truth" (brother's joined them for the chorus)
- Grandpa Larry gave a wonderful talk on baptism
- Nate confirmed Mac, gave him the gift of the Holy Ghost and also gave him a beautiful blessing
- All uncles (on both sides, except Brandon) stood in the confirmation circle as well as both Grandpa's
- Grandpa Bert gave the closing prayer
- It was a beautiful day and the spirit was felt

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Jaxton’s Talk – Choosing the Right – February 19, 2012
There are many times each day that we can choose the right.
(TOY) When I pick up my toys I am choosing the right.
(SCRIPTURES) When I read the scriptures and pray with my family I am choosing the right.
(FOOD) When I eat healthy snacks I am choosing the right.
(EAR) When I listen to my parents and teachers I am choosing the right.
(PENCIL) When I do my homework and learn I am choosing the right.
(LIPS) When I speak kindly I am choosing the right.
When we choose the right we are also choosing to be happy.  Choosing the right makes us feel good inside and Jesus and Heavenly Father are happy with us too.
I hope that we can all try choosing the right every single day.  I know that it will bring us happiness.
In the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Jilli's prayer tonight: "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the day, I mean . . .  thank you for the food.  AMEN!"
She's also very into what labeling what boys and girls do.  She'll say things like, "Only girls feed babies" or "That chair is only for boys."  Some of her labels are very funny and I'll have to gently correct her with an "Actually boys AND girls can do that."
Jilli also has discovered that magic of a pinky promise.  I've heard her ask the boys several times to pinky promise with her, but tonight when I went upstairs and discovered that she had emptied a good portion of her clothes drawer and asked her not to do that again, she replied with, "I won't mom," and then sticking her little finger out to me she followed up with "pinky promise!"

Jaxton told me that he woke up during the middle of the night and was super scared.  He said he didn't know what to do and then he remembered that he could pray.  He then said that he kneeled on top of his covers, asked Jesus and Heavenly Father to help him not be scared and then he said to me, "And you know what?  I wasn't scared anymore and I went back to sleep!"  I assured him that he had done exactly the right thing and that I was so proud of him.  I love seeing my kids put their faith into action!

Jaxton’s Primary Talk – Agency is the Gift to Choose for Ourselves – 12/29/12
Think about the choices you’ve made today.  Did you make a choice about what cereal to eat for breakfast, or what tie to wear, or if you were going to listen to your parents?  Since we are all here today, I know that you made the choice to come to church. 
We will have choices every day.  There will be hard choices and easy choices and we may even choose the wrong choice sometimes, but we will always have a choice because we have AGENCY.  Agency is a gift that Jesus has given us so that we can choose for ourselves. 
I am so thankful for agency and that I can make choices for myself.  I know that if we make good choices that we will live with Jesus and Heavenly Father again. 
In the name of Jesus Christ AMEN         

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2011 Goals

Everyone did fairly well with their 2011 goals. I'm still working on my 10lbs, but this year I'm more realistic and instead put that I would eat more veggies than sugar.
Here's hoping that 2012 brings us as much happiness as 2011 did!