Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Very Merry !CHRIST!mas

We had a wonderful Christmas this year and we tried pretty hard to concentrate more on Christ. We provided service, went caroling, donated toys, read a nativity story almost every night, read the birth account from the bible, reenacted the birth story and had FHE's all month long focused on the real reason for the season. In the coming years, and as the kids get a bit older, I'd like to do some kind of Sub for Santa where the kids can really get involved with helping others.
I love this time of year and am so grateful to a loving Heavenly Father who would send his only begotten son to earth, to live, to heal, to teach, to suffer, and to live again. How blessed we are to have the knowledge of his restored gospel in our lives. Merry CHRISTmas!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Complimented or Offended?

I've had two comments given to me the past few weeks at church that have kinda stopped me in my tracks and made me wonder if I should be slightly offended.
The RS president gave me my VT route and said, "I saw your birthday and had know idea you were so young." My reply, "Oh really?" And then I think she tried to soften her previous comment by saying, "Everything about you is just SO mature." I smiled politely and giggled a bit, but had to wonder if I really am looking THAT old or do I act like I'm 60 -- I'm not sure which is worse.
Then the next week a lady walked up to me and said, "I like your sweater." I thanked her politely and then she followed up with, "Don't you love those clothes that look awful on a hanger and then you get it home and it's actually cute?" Hmmmmm . . . not sure how to reply to that.


Mac's teacher sent home his mid-term report, which had all wonderful grades and then one comment that read, "Listen to ALL of the instructions BEFORE asking questions." The comment brought a smile to my face, because I think Ms. Kirby hit the nail right on the head. Bless Mac's heart, he's a boy of many questions.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thankful Thoughts

We stuck around here for Thanksgiving and got together with 4 other families at the Stake Center for lunch. The kids were able to run around in the gym and the adults were actually able to visit for a bit.
We have so much to be thankful for! I spoke in church the Sunday before Thanksgiving and spoke on "How to show gratitude to the Savior." In the beginning the topic seemed so easy, but when I thought it all through, I was able to come up with several ways we can show gratitude to our Savior, something I will try harder at. I am so thankful, especially for my family and the gospel.

One of the plus sides of the Nintendo DS -- family togetherness!

I love these pictures of Jax showing Jilli how to dance and how to play football. He sure does love his little sister.

This happened without any prompting or nagging from me -- what a magical day!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Mechanic: What's your name?
Beckam: Peterson
Nate: No, what's your first name?
Beckam: B, E, C, K, A, M, Beckam! And do you know how old I am?
Mechanic: No, how old are you?
Beckam: Three and do you know who I can beat up?
Mechanic: No, who?
Beckam: Jaxton!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Beckam was looking at his baby book today and he turned to the first page where there was a picture of me holding Jaxton on my pregnant belly. At first Beckam said, "Look mom, there's you and me (pointing to Jaxton)." Then I said, "Actually that's Jaxton and you are inside my belly." To which Beckam calmly replied, "Oh yeah, you ate me."

It makes my heart so happy watching Jilli toddle around on her feet. Every time she walks into a room or appears around a corner, it makes me smile. She is much more content again, now that she's moving on her feet and we find her most often walking around, dragging her blanket and carrying a baby or a toothbrush.

Mac got his staples taken out yesterday and after a few weeks of off and on sickness from everyone, it looks like we are finally on the upside.

Thanksgiving was wonderful. We got together with 4 other families at the church and had a great time socializing and letting the kids run around in the gym. It was low stress and laid back, just what we needed. That night I went with Kristi, Jesica, and Rachael to WalMart and the outlets for the Black Friday sales. We had a great time and I got some awesome deals. Our family already has Christmas decorations up and we are looking forward to a month celebrating the birth of our Savior.

Primary Talks

Jaxton’s Talk – November 21, 2010 – When I Serve My Family, I Serve God.
I know that when I serve my family, I am serving God. Serving people means helping them out and being happy when you do it. I love to help people; especially my family and here are some ways that I do it.
I serve my dad by going to the store with him.
I serve my mom by giving her hugs and kisses.
I serve my big brother by playing with him.
I serve my little brother by reaching things that are too high for him.
I serve my baby sister by carrying her down the stairs.
I know that when we serve our family it makes Heavenly Father smile and I feel happy too. I hope we can all serve God by serving our family.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

McCade’s Talk – Sunday, Oct. 31, 2010
The theme for this month is “Inviting All to Come Unto Christ.” One way we can do this is by setting a good example for our friends and even parents. I’ve made it a goal this year in school to act kindly to all those around me and just last week two parents told my mom how much they appreciate me being nice to their children. I hope that I can continue to be kind to those around me and hopefully bring others to Christ through my example.
I love this church, I love my family, and I love Christ. I hope we can all look for ways to invite all to come unto Christ.
Happy Halloween!
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

We've got another full-time walker on our hands. Jilli's been taking steps for about 6 weeks now, but has just finally decided to make walking her main source of transportation these last few days. We are proud of her and she seems to be much happier and content again.

The other night Beckam ended his prayer with, "In the name of Jesus Christ, BOOYEAH, amen." It was pretty funny and it was hard for me to correct his behavior with a straight face. Funny kid.

I had to take Jaxton to the doctor on Friday morning because he was running a fever, had a sore throat, and a barking cough. Later that night the other kids and I were getting ready to leave for a birthday party and Jax was staying home with Nate since he still wasn't feeling 100%. He was feeling pretty bad about not being able to go, so he tried to convince we that he was all better by saying, "Mom I'm all better. Even my dog coughs are gone." Apparently he had picked up on my description of his cough -- too funny.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

WANTED: Nate Peterson (may be armed and dangerous)

Before I forget . . .
Mac's soccer coach asked Nate to be an assistant coach this past season, so Nate agreed to and went ahead with all of the paperwork, which included a background check. A week or so later I received a phone call from a lady from the league who had some major questions about my husband and his background check. Nate ended up talking to the lady as well, who informed him that there were some problems with his background check and that he was not to coach until they figured everything out. Come to find out, when Nate finally received a copy of the initial background check, the company had just found a "Nate Peterson" and this man, who was from Texas, was in prison for a number of illegal problems including burglary and murder. Nate immediately told them they had the wrong guy and gave them more information so that they could really find "him" in the system. In the meantime, I told Mac's coach what was happening and why things were taking so long and apparently the league had contacted them and told them that Nate was NOT to be a coach and wasn't allowed anywhere near the children. Anyway, everything was cleared up in the end, but the whole process took about half the season and needless to say, at that point Nate didn't even help out. Funny stuff!
Jilli is walking more and more. She's been able to walk for like 6 weeks, but was fairly unstable and really preferred crawling. While each day she's gotten a bit better, just the last couple of days she's really taken off. She can now walk the full length of a room before she topples over. I think before long we'll have a full-time walker on our hands. Jilli is also working on communicating with us. She loves to nod or shake her head, and I really think for the most part that she understands what we're saying. She'll say "la la" for love you and when she's really excited to see someone she'll bust out with a loud "HI!" Her hair is growing so much and looks so cute in pig tails. It still has some curl in it, so we'll see if that sticks or straightens out with time.
The boys continue to do well. Jaxton has really taken to learning, drawing, and writing. I had Mac's parent/teacher conference and Mrs. Kirby said that Mac excels in math and writing. He does well in reading and is very social, motivated, and an asset to the class. We are super proud of all that he is accomplishing. Beckam continues to be independent, loving, and wonderful! I LOVE my sweet boys!
Jaxton went to the dentist this last week and afterwards the hygienist told me the conversation that they had.
Jaxton: Can you give me a shot instead of the stuff over my mouth?
Hygienist: If you'd like.
Jaxton: And you might see a couple tears come out of my eyes when you do it, but don't worry because I'm brave and I know that shots only make me healthy. And one more thing: how long do you think this is going to take because I have a play date at the park that I need to get to.
The hygienist thought he was the funniest kid and said that he was the most wonderful patient. Jaxton is definitely such a character.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Great Wolf Lodge

We headed to Great Wolf Lodge in celebration of Nate's pay raise this last Thursday and Friday. Unfortunately I was so preoccupied with remembering to bring the kids' toothbrushes (something I usually always manage to forget), I didn't remember to pack up the camera. Nate was able to get a few pictures with his phone, but its battery died within the first hour we were there, so we have very few snapshots to remember the fun we had.

Jaxton was totally a daredevil and was willing to go on any water slide. Mac was quite hesitant in the beginning, but once we were able to talk him into going on a couple, he warmed right up and loved them all. Beckam went on one slide and came out on his belly and said "no way" to anymore slides. Jilli was happy sitting in the kiddie pool buckling and unbuckling a life jacket. Good times!
Jillian is really getting a hang of the walking thing. She'll now take four or five steps on her own, and our backs are all looking forward to the day when she'll be walking completely by herself. For months now she's been making a funny noise that sounds a lot like "durdle durdle durdle" over and over. I think to her she's communicating something very important, but we just think it's funny. Jilli has also taught herself how and when to fold her arms. One night we were saying prayers with the boys and we looked over at her and there she was arms folded with a proud look on her face. We're pretty sure that she's totally brilliant!

A good portion of my day is spent with lil' one wrapped around my legs. I know one day I'll probably miss this, but for now it's a little hard to get anything done.

Jilli will throw her arms in the air every time someone says "ta da!" She's quite the character!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mom and dad left today after visiting since Wednesday. We had such a great time with them and the kids SO enjoyed spending quality time with grandma and grandpa. I left at 5am this morning to take them to the airport and Mac had told them that he was going to wake up in time to see them, but he was still asleep when we left. When I returned back to the house after taking them and saw Mac, he said that when he woke up and saw that it was 7:00, he knew he had missed them, so he sat in his bed and cried. Poor guy -- the kids just love their grandparents so much!
Jilli is full of tricks. Some she's been doing for a while, but others she is just learning to do. She clicks her tongue, bends her knees up and down to dance, hides and says "BOO," makes a surprise face, and lots of other super cute things.
Mom and dad seemed to think that Beckam had changed the most since they last saw the kids. Beck's definitely grown out of the little boy stage and has become a full-grown big boy. He continues to do things his own way on his own time and there's no telling him differently or making him do something faster than he wants to. He's got a stubborn streak in him and there's no way he's gonna let his big brothers get the best of him. Beck's also super duper sweet and gives great kisses and he's still happy to let you hold him and carry him around. Love the kid!
Nate was called as the Elders Quorum president last night. He has my complete support as well as all my confidence that he'll do a great job and magnify this calling to the best of his ability. He's a wonderful man and I feel very lucky to have him for all of eternity.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

eye issues!

Today as the family was wrestling around, Nate grabbed Jaxton with his arm and as he swung him around, the back of Jaxton's head smacked my head (just above the eye). I immediately cried while I felt my eye swell up and become stiff. The whole left side of my face was very sore and swollen, especially by my eye. Everyone was super concerned and Mac wouldn't leave my side. He insisted on sitting my me, tickling my face, offering to hold the ice pack, rubbing my leg, all the while asking me every minute or so if I was okay. At one point he looked up at me and said, "Mom, just let me know what I can do for you. I'd do anything to help you." I love my sweet Mac. His heart is so big and he holds such a special place in it for his mom.

Jilli had her eyes checked on Friday. The past month or so I've noticed her left eye crossing in and not following her other eye every now and then. I mostly notice it when she's in her highchair or when I look back at her in her carseat. The doctor said that as far as she could tell she couldn't see any problems, but considering the family history of childhood glasses on Nate's side, she wanted to see Jilli again in 3 to 4 months for another check. The morning of the appointment, Nate gave Jillian a blessing while she was sitting in her highchair. Jilli SO did not appreciate having hands on her head and kept wiggling around and trying to look up at Nate like, "What are you doing." Needless to say it was a short blessing, but one that I still feel like will make a difference and brought us some peace of mind. How grateful I am for a husband who holds and honors the priesthood!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I've always thought Mac has had a real knack for math, but I now know that he really does in fact. His teacher sent home a mid-term report stating that he is doing well in all areas, but is really shining in Math. And the other day when I picked him up after school, his substitute for the last half of the day turned to me and said, "McCade is REALLY good at Math." I don't know what exactly it is that he's doing to impress his teachers so much, but whatever he's doing it sure is making us proud!
I have a friend, Deborah who I met at the gym who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She asked me a month or so ago if I would be interested in walking with her and a small group in a Breast Cancer Walk. I jumped at the opportunity to support her and the wonderful cause and was so happy that I did. Deborah's spirits are so high and she is such a shining example of optimism.
And as a side note . . . while we were at the event, they had a booth where you could make a sign to walk with. Deborah asked if I would make one for our group, which I happily agreed to do. While I was whippping one out, a girl who had been watching with another small group of people approached me and asked me if I was a professional artist. Talk about a boost to the ole' self-confidence!
Jilli is now getting teeth #13 and #14 (the one's on the bottom just before her molars). She's had a little bit of a runny nose and her sleeping has been off, but she's still such a pleasant girl!
Mom and dad are coming in a week and a half and we are THRILLED! We are definitely on the countdown.
Connor Kubik (Jaxton's best buddy and now our neighbor) has always seemed to have a special place in his heart for Jilli. His face totally lights up when you sees here. Kristi commented on my blog with this story that I thought was cute. "So the other day we were driving home in our car, Connor said, "Why does Jaxton have a bigger car?" I said, "Well, because they have a mini van, but we're hoping to buy a mini van next spring! Won't that be exciting?" Connor said, "yeah! I want a van just like Jaxton's with a Jilli Billi in it too." Now how am I supposed to deliver that? :)" Too cute!
While I was at my race on Saturday, Nate had to take the kids to Jaxton's soccer game. While they were there apparently Jilli got hit in the forehead with a flying soccer ball. Nate said she was a tough little girl and barely fussed at all, but Mac was very concerned asking, "Do you think Jilli lost her thoughts?" Mac is definitely our worrier, but I love that about him!
Beckam's new favorite toy is "White Fang," (Mac's old wolf/dog that we got from our Jackson Hole trip over three years ago). Mac has loved that dog with all his heart for a very long time and now Beckam is inseparable with it. He takes it to the store, to bed, to church, and always knows where it's at.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Beckam, the Wise Guy!

We are in a preschool carpool with the Kubik's. A couple weeks ago on our way to preschool the boys were having an interesting conversation that went something like:
Connor: I threw up.
Jaxton: You did? Yuck!
Connor: Yeah, yuck.
Jaxton: What if when you threw up you turned into a girl?
(lots of giggles)
Connor: That would be disgusting!
Jaxton: Yeah, sick!
(more laughing)
Connor: And then we turned into bugs.
Jaxton: Gross!
(more laughter)
And then Beckam, who up to this point had participated in the conversation with only his giggles piped up and said,
Beckam: 'Cause then you'd be a LADYBUG!

Beckam totally cracked me up. He's so hilarious, but he's very careful and thoughtful about his jokes. Love that kid!
We are in a preschool carpool with the Kubik's. A couple weeks ago on our way to preschool the boys were having an interesting conversation that went something like:
Connor: I threw up.
Jaxton: You did? Yuck!
Connor: Yeah, yuck.
Jaxton: What if when you threw up you turned into a girl?
(lots of giggles)
Connor: That would be disgusting!
Jaxton: Yeah, sick!
(more laughing)
Connor: And then we turned into bugs.
Jaxton: Gross!
(more laughter)
And then Beckam, who up to this point had participated in the conversation with only his giggles piped up and said,
Beckam: 'Cause then you'd be a LADYBUG!

Beckam totally cracked me up. He's so hilarious, but he's very careful and thoughtful about his jokes. Love that kid!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The other morning during breakfast Jaxton started doing line-up introductions for our family (like at the beginning of a ballgame). He was just making them up as he went, but I thought they were hysterical and totally creative.
Jilli loves to give kisses and loves to play . . . it's JILLI!
Beckam loves treats and loves to be tickled . . . it's BECKAM!
Jaxton loves to play soldiers and loves T.V. . . . it's JAXTON!
Mac loves to play soldiers and watch T.V. . . . it's MAC!
Mom loves to give kisses and loves to cook . . . it's MOM!
And this was probably my favorite . . .
Dad loves to watch football and loves to . . . (deep concentration) sit down! . . . it's DAD!
I couldn't help but laugh and I had to call Nate to tell him, which he didn't find as much humor in it as I did. Not long after, Jaxton came up with another one for Nate which wasn't quite as funny, but suited him better.
Dad loves to watch football and loves to wrestle . . . it's DAD!

Jilli continues to stand up more and more and is gaining confidence with every day. She also loves to shake her head back and forth and will wave, but only to her favorite people. Today I looked at a picture that we had just taken of her, and for a split second I saw a 12 year old instead of my baby. I'm so afraid that all my babies are going to grow up too fast and it makes me sad to think about.

Mac continues to be super wonderful, but very DRAMA! Everything is either fun, fun, fun or something to get upset over. His reading is getting so good and he seems to be somewhat of a math whiz. We'll be in the grocery store and he'll grab a box of cookies and without even thinking about it he'll say something like, "This bag has 12 in it, so everyone in our family could get 2 each." Both Mac and Jaxton are getting really good at checkers. Now when I play checkers with Mac, I have to play my very best or I'll get whooped!

Beckam is sweet Beck. He got to go overnight camping for the first time on Friday for our ward campout, and he seemed to enjoy every bit of it. Although he didn't complain through the night, he must not have got a whole lot of sleep because he came home and fell asleep at 3:00pm and didn't wake up until the next morning at 7:00am. What a trouper!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


You can really understand basically everything Beckam says now days. Whenever he makes something plural, he adds an "es" to the end, so "hands" sounds like "handez" and "ball" turns into "ballez." It's totally cute and makes me smile every time.

Jilli is standing on her own now. She also loves to shake her head back and forth, click her tongue, and stack cups or blocks. She's quite the little girl!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

We just returned from our 5 week stay in Utah. We had such a great time and the boys will definitely miss their cousins. Both Mac and Jaxton cried when we told the cousins "goodbye" and kept asking why we couldn't stay. Myles and Hailey got married the last day that we were in Utah and it was a beautiful day. Their sealer was Joseph F. McConkie and it was very cool to here everything insightful that he had to say. Their reception was held that night in Hailey's backyard, which included a pool, waterfall, playground, hot tub, volleyball court, etc. We had been telling the boys all night to stay away from the waterfall/pond and they had actually done well to listen. We made it all the way to Myles and Hailey's send off when Jaxton appeared completely wet from the waist down, with sand and grass caked on him. Come to find out he had got in the pond and then to dry himself off he had put sand and grass all over him. After he told me the story he was quiet for a minute and then he said, "What the crap was I thinking?" The kid is hysterical! Mac and Jaxton took swim lessons at the SV pool (talk about childhood memories) while we were there in Utah. On the last day each of their classes got the opportunity to jump off the diving board if they wanted to. Both Mac and Jaxton were up to the challenge and Jaxton got up and did it with no problems. Mac on the other hand, tiptoed his way up, looked down at his teacher, and then as he jumped yelled out, "I'M GONNA DIE!" But he came out of the water with a big smile on his face and wanted to do it all over again. Jilli started crawling toward the end of her 10th month and she just pulled herself up to a standing position for the first time today. She is growing up so fast and it's just breaking my heart. My favorite things are her snort face that she thinks is hysterical and her dancing. She will dance to any music, slow or fast, by bobbing her head and even doing a little shoulder shimmy. Our families fell in love with her and she quickly found a way into each of their hearts. Beckam had everyone at home thinking he was the most sweet, layed back child ever, which he is most of the time, but he definitley has a super sassy side to him as well. A while back I had got after him because I thought he had broke our friend's sprinkler, only to find out that she had turned the water off. I then turned to Beckam and said, "Sorry, Beckam. I thought you had broke it," to which he replied (with arms folded and eyebrows furrowed), "That NOT otay!" Jaxton's prayers lately have been pretty hard to keep a straight face during. Tonight he included in his prayer, "Bless that Heavenly Father will have a safe day in heaven, bless that Jesus will come down and visit me, and bless that I won't say 'What the heck.'"

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Classic Mac

Mac went to his friend, Kaylee's, birthday party today. After I picked him up and we were in the car, he told me that Kaylee had received a lot of Barbie's for her birthday. I replied telling him that I had loved and played with Barbie dolls when I was a little girl. After thinking it over for a second he then asked me (very seriously), "But yours were wooden?" OK, so when did 30 become the new 90?
Mac asks great questions! His last one that I didn't immediately have an answer for was, "When God and Jesus created the world, how did they decide which side of the world got to have day first and which side had night first?" Even I had to consult with a couple people before I gave him an answer.
What a kid!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


I learned at a young age that things that seem wonderful in the beginning sometimes aren't. I remember as a teenager babysitting for a family with three kids. We were watching a movie one particular night and eating out of a bowl of popcorn that had been popped earlier. I love popcorn and especially buttered popcorn, so I was picking out all of the butter-drenched pieces to eat. After eating quite a bit of this delicious popcorn, the oldest of the kids asked me why I kept eating all the popcorn that Jeremy (the youngest child) had sucking on and puting back in the bowl. YUCK! I learned that even when things seem so appealing in the beginning, that instead of digging right in, I need not make a hasty decision, but one that is well-informed.
Today I said to Beck, "I think me and you are best friends." He then put his hand on my cheek and said, "Forever." I couldn't love that little guy with all his sassiness and sweetness any more than I already do.
I also took Beck to the doctor this week for his 3 year check up and as the doctor was feeling around his stomach he said that Beckam had the largest amount of abdominal muscle in a 3 year old that he had ever seen. He was amazed at how strong he was. I guess all those sit-ups that the boys do with Nate are paying off. :)

Jaxton finished off his preschool year this week and he has decided that he really likes school and learning. He's made great progress this year with his letters, numbers, and writing his name, as well as learning that it's okay to feel shy, but that he doesn't need to because people always really like him. On his end-of-year progress report, according to his teacher the two things that he needs to work on are "following directions more closely" and "galloping." He's made some great friends and I'm sure he will be very excited to see them again in the Fall.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

So the potty training has begun. As far as I'm concerned potty training is the worst parenting job I have encountered thus far. I just keep telling myself that once Beckam has it, then I only have one more to go. Maybe a recent conversation with Beckam will let you know how the process is all going.
Me: Beckam, you need to start pottying on the toilet like a big boy.
Beckam: NO!
Me: Well, you need to decide whether you are going to be a baby and do baby things or whether you are going to be a big boy and do big boy things.
Beckam: (after thinking for 10 seconds or so he folds his arms, furrows his eyebrows and says . . .) Neither! I not want to be a BABY and I not want to be a BIG BOY! I JUST WANT TO BE BECKAM!
Heaven help us with this little guy. This whole experience sure is bringing out his stubborn side.

I lost my brand new phone a few weeks back after I had picked Mac up from school. I pretty much freaked out in the car when I discovered that it was missing and I was trying to figure out where it could be and Mac kept asking me questions like "How much does a new phone cost?" and "What kind of store do you buy phones at?" After ignoring him the first few times I reacted not so patiently with, "I don't care how much they cost or where you get them. I just need to find the one I had!" After a bit of silence from the backseat, Mac then said, "I was just asking you those questions because I was going to use my money to go to the store and buy you a new one." I'm so grateful for my children and their gentle reminders every day to be a better person.

Jilli is 9 months old today. I can't believe that we've had her for three quarters of a year. I just can't imagine our lives without her. She's so mellow and easy going and fun to have around. The boys grow more and more in love with her every day, which I didn't think was possible. I keep waiting for the excitement of having a baby sister to wear off, but so far it hasn't and I really don't see an end in sight. I'm super happy that my boys think she's the greatest thing ever.

And then there's Jax. Still the same sweet guy with the greatest laugh imaginable. His laugh turns heads and makes everyone smile. He's becoming quite musical and can be found making up songs at all times of the day. Most of them consist of naming the members of our family and then repeating phrases like, "You're so sweeeeet! I love yoooooou!"

Love my crew!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mac forgot to put something in his backpack for show-and-tell on Friday, so he danced (brake dance to be exact) for his class. According to him everyone cheered for him "and that doesn't usually happen during show-and-tell." I wish I knew what his teachers thought about the kid who loves to sing and dance and sing some more for Sharing time. That's our Mac, our little performer!

On Monday I asked Beckam if he was ready to be potty trained and he quickly replied with, "next week." That means tomorrow's our day to start and Beckam's not the only one not looking forward to it.

Jillian is officially a clapper and she loves that she can do it. That little smile with her vampire teeth, her chubby little arms, and her baby hands are just all too much. She just makes us happy.

It took a little while, but Jaxton has finally found a love for learning. He's catching on to his letters, and making pictures, and writing his name. It's a wonderful thing when your child loves learning and school.

Jaxton also has the sweetest little accent. Our absolute favorite word that he says is "gills" (which is "girls" with a twang). It's the greatest thing and makes us smile everytime he says it.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Good, not Great

Nate took Mac and Jaxton to the Stake Father and Son's campout tonight. So Beckam, Jilli and I got a movie, cleaned out the garage, talked outside with friends, watched the movie, and now Jilli is sleeping peacefully in her crib while Beckam lay sleeping happily on my bed. Everyone is happy, or should be at least . . .
It's not that I'm unhappy, I just have this overwhelming sense that having happy kids and a happy husband, a clean house, and dinner on the table just isn't enough. I seem to be battling my life-long fight of being good, not great. The pressure to do more always seems to be lingering near and then there's also pressure I put on myself to be great at something. I can paint, I can parent, I can cook, I can clean, I can sew, I can dance, I can run, I can joke, I can craft, I can write, I can teach -- it's true, I can do a lot of things, but I'm not REALLY good at ONE thing. Lots of people find their niche, that one thing that they are great at, and for 30 years I've been looking for mine. I'm wondering if being good at a handful of things is what I'm supposed to be great at . . . I guess I could handle that, but I do wish I could be AWESOME at something, anything!
Push through it, I know, I will.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Beckam got a close-up look of his face in the mirror the other day and gasped, "Mom, what those spots on my face?!" Love everyone of his sweet little freckles!

One of our 4 year old buddies was stroking Jilli's arm when he asked me, "Jami, what those bumps on Jilli Billi's arms?" I replied, "Oh those are just her rolly pollies." She has such sweet little rolls all over her legs and arms and I can't seem to get enough of them!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mom: Beckam, we're going to start wearing big boy underwear today and going pee pee in the potty!
Beck: Ohhhhh no, not today -- when I turn 4.

Mom: (Talking about Jilli) Aren't we so lucky to have the most beautiful girl in the world?
Mac: She's not the most beautiful girl.
Mom: Well, that's not very nice.
Mac: I mean she's not the ONLY beautiful girl in the world. YOU are the most beautiful girl too!

Jaxton: Mom, does Jesus cry when he gets sad?
Mom: Yes.
Jaxton: Do you think he cries when I push Beckam?
Mom: Probably.
Jaxton: (After thinking for a minute) I don't want Jesus to cry anymore. Maybe if I make better choices like not push Beck then he won't have to cry.
Mom: I think that's a great idea!

Comments made about Jilli in the last couple of days:
"She is such a little lady." "Looking at her face, that girl has not had a bad day in her whole life." "What a beautiful baby."
Our life is wonderful and we want to always document the things that are happening. Our kids are growing and sadly it feels like before long they'll be moving out and starting families of their own (that might be jumping the gun a bit). We're hoping that we can capture all those too-cute-too-forget moments and write them down as well as the day-to-day life happenings.