I've always thought Mac has had a real knack for math, but I now know that he really does in fact. His teacher sent home a mid-term report stating that he is doing well in all areas, but is really shining in Math. And the other day when I picked him up after school, his substitute for the last half of the day turned to me and said, "McCade is REALLY good at Math." I don't know what exactly it is that he's doing to impress his teachers so much, but whatever he's doing it sure is making us proud!
I have a friend, Deborah who I met at the gym who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She asked me a month or so ago if I would be interested in walking with her and a small group in a Breast Cancer Walk. I jumped at the opportunity to support her and the wonderful cause and was so happy that I did. Deborah's spirits are so high and she is such a shining example of optimism.
And as a side note . . . while we were at the event, they had a booth where you could make a sign to walk with. Deborah asked if I would make one for our group, which I happily agreed to do. While I was whippping one out, a girl who had been watching with another small group of people approached me and asked me if I was a professional artist. Talk about a boost to the ole' self-confidence!
Jilli is now getting teeth #13 and #14 (the one's on the bottom just before her molars). She's had a little bit of a runny nose and her sleeping has been off, but she's still such a pleasant girl!
Mom and dad are coming in a week and a half and we are THRILLED! We are definitely on the countdown.
Connor Kubik (Jaxton's best buddy and now our neighbor) has always seemed to have a special place in his heart for Jilli. His face totally lights up when you sees here. Kristi commented on my blog with this story that I thought was cute. "So the other day we were driving home in our car, Connor said, "Why does Jaxton have a bigger car?" I said, "Well, because they have a mini van, but we're hoping to buy a mini van next spring! Won't that be exciting?" Connor said, "yeah! I want a van just like Jaxton's with a Jilli Billi in it too." Now how am I supposed to deliver that? :)" Too cute!
While I was at my race on Saturday, Nate had to take the kids to Jaxton's soccer game. While they were there apparently Jilli got hit in the forehead with a flying soccer ball. Nate said she was a tough little girl and barely fussed at all, but Mac was very concerned asking, "Do you think Jilli lost her thoughts?" Mac is definitely our worrier, but I love that about him!
Beckam's new favorite toy is "White Fang," (Mac's old wolf/dog that we got from our Jackson Hole trip over three years ago). Mac has loved that dog with all his heart for a very long time and now Beckam is inseparable with it. He takes it to the store, to bed, to church, and always knows where it's at.