Sunday, October 24, 2010

Great Wolf Lodge

We headed to Great Wolf Lodge in celebration of Nate's pay raise this last Thursday and Friday. Unfortunately I was so preoccupied with remembering to bring the kids' toothbrushes (something I usually always manage to forget), I didn't remember to pack up the camera. Nate was able to get a few pictures with his phone, but its battery died within the first hour we were there, so we have very few snapshots to remember the fun we had.

Jaxton was totally a daredevil and was willing to go on any water slide. Mac was quite hesitant in the beginning, but once we were able to talk him into going on a couple, he warmed right up and loved them all. Beckam went on one slide and came out on his belly and said "no way" to anymore slides. Jilli was happy sitting in the kiddie pool buckling and unbuckling a life jacket. Good times!
Jillian is really getting a hang of the walking thing. She'll now take four or five steps on her own, and our backs are all looking forward to the day when she'll be walking completely by herself. For months now she's been making a funny noise that sounds a lot like "durdle durdle durdle" over and over. I think to her she's communicating something very important, but we just think it's funny. Jilli has also taught herself how and when to fold her arms. One night we were saying prayers with the boys and we looked over at her and there she was arms folded with a proud look on her face. We're pretty sure that she's totally brilliant!

A good portion of my day is spent with lil' one wrapped around my legs. I know one day I'll probably miss this, but for now it's a little hard to get anything done.

Jilli will throw her arms in the air every time someone says "ta da!" She's quite the character!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mom and dad left today after visiting since Wednesday. We had such a great time with them and the kids SO enjoyed spending quality time with grandma and grandpa. I left at 5am this morning to take them to the airport and Mac had told them that he was going to wake up in time to see them, but he was still asleep when we left. When I returned back to the house after taking them and saw Mac, he said that when he woke up and saw that it was 7:00, he knew he had missed them, so he sat in his bed and cried. Poor guy -- the kids just love their grandparents so much!
Jilli is full of tricks. Some she's been doing for a while, but others she is just learning to do. She clicks her tongue, bends her knees up and down to dance, hides and says "BOO," makes a surprise face, and lots of other super cute things.
Mom and dad seemed to think that Beckam had changed the most since they last saw the kids. Beck's definitely grown out of the little boy stage and has become a full-grown big boy. He continues to do things his own way on his own time and there's no telling him differently or making him do something faster than he wants to. He's got a stubborn streak in him and there's no way he's gonna let his big brothers get the best of him. Beck's also super duper sweet and gives great kisses and he's still happy to let you hold him and carry him around. Love the kid!
Nate was called as the Elders Quorum president last night. He has my complete support as well as all my confidence that he'll do a great job and magnify this calling to the best of his ability. He's a wonderful man and I feel very lucky to have him for all of eternity.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

eye issues!

Today as the family was wrestling around, Nate grabbed Jaxton with his arm and as he swung him around, the back of Jaxton's head smacked my head (just above the eye). I immediately cried while I felt my eye swell up and become stiff. The whole left side of my face was very sore and swollen, especially by my eye. Everyone was super concerned and Mac wouldn't leave my side. He insisted on sitting my me, tickling my face, offering to hold the ice pack, rubbing my leg, all the while asking me every minute or so if I was okay. At one point he looked up at me and said, "Mom, just let me know what I can do for you. I'd do anything to help you." I love my sweet Mac. His heart is so big and he holds such a special place in it for his mom.

Jilli had her eyes checked on Friday. The past month or so I've noticed her left eye crossing in and not following her other eye every now and then. I mostly notice it when she's in her highchair or when I look back at her in her carseat. The doctor said that as far as she could tell she couldn't see any problems, but considering the family history of childhood glasses on Nate's side, she wanted to see Jilli again in 3 to 4 months for another check. The morning of the appointment, Nate gave Jillian a blessing while she was sitting in her highchair. Jilli SO did not appreciate having hands on her head and kept wiggling around and trying to look up at Nate like, "What are you doing." Needless to say it was a short blessing, but one that I still feel like will make a difference and brought us some peace of mind. How grateful I am for a husband who holds and honors the priesthood!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I've always thought Mac has had a real knack for math, but I now know that he really does in fact. His teacher sent home a mid-term report stating that he is doing well in all areas, but is really shining in Math. And the other day when I picked him up after school, his substitute for the last half of the day turned to me and said, "McCade is REALLY good at Math." I don't know what exactly it is that he's doing to impress his teachers so much, but whatever he's doing it sure is making us proud!
I have a friend, Deborah who I met at the gym who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She asked me a month or so ago if I would be interested in walking with her and a small group in a Breast Cancer Walk. I jumped at the opportunity to support her and the wonderful cause and was so happy that I did. Deborah's spirits are so high and she is such a shining example of optimism.
And as a side note . . . while we were at the event, they had a booth where you could make a sign to walk with. Deborah asked if I would make one for our group, which I happily agreed to do. While I was whippping one out, a girl who had been watching with another small group of people approached me and asked me if I was a professional artist. Talk about a boost to the ole' self-confidence!
Jilli is now getting teeth #13 and #14 (the one's on the bottom just before her molars). She's had a little bit of a runny nose and her sleeping has been off, but she's still such a pleasant girl!
Mom and dad are coming in a week and a half and we are THRILLED! We are definitely on the countdown.
Connor Kubik (Jaxton's best buddy and now our neighbor) has always seemed to have a special place in his heart for Jilli. His face totally lights up when you sees here. Kristi commented on my blog with this story that I thought was cute. "So the other day we were driving home in our car, Connor said, "Why does Jaxton have a bigger car?" I said, "Well, because they have a mini van, but we're hoping to buy a mini van next spring! Won't that be exciting?" Connor said, "yeah! I want a van just like Jaxton's with a Jilli Billi in it too." Now how am I supposed to deliver that? :)" Too cute!
While I was at my race on Saturday, Nate had to take the kids to Jaxton's soccer game. While they were there apparently Jilli got hit in the forehead with a flying soccer ball. Nate said she was a tough little girl and barely fussed at all, but Mac was very concerned asking, "Do you think Jilli lost her thoughts?" Mac is definitely our worrier, but I love that about him!
Beckam's new favorite toy is "White Fang," (Mac's old wolf/dog that we got from our Jackson Hole trip over three years ago). Mac has loved that dog with all his heart for a very long time and now Beckam is inseparable with it. He takes it to the store, to bed, to church, and always knows where it's at.