Monday, July 21, 2014

Where's Jilli?

"Mom, I know how to make him feel better!" -- Jilli

Hard at work!

Is it too early to start planning their wedding? (Jilli with Sam Dart)

The kids went on a hike with Myles up above his house.

Shopping in style.

Tea Party.

Learning to read.

Snug as a bug.

Things I want to remember: My dad's Sunday School lessons, especially his chalkboard masterpieces (usually they contain a map, but he ran out of room this time).

A surprise package in the mail from some dear friends in NC -- an egg hunt in a box.  Love the Dial family!

I think she's definitely got the accessory thing down.

Memorial Day with the Peterson's.

Field day gone bad.  Mac took a giant sling-shot ball straight to the face.

He sleeps with his neck bent like this every night -- like mother like son.

Snaggle tooth at it's best!

Someone was feeling sleepy!

Ready for their first summer basketball camp.

Movie morning with Grandma.

Pretty successful Maple Mountain basketball camp.

Talking my ear off at bed time.

Ava's dance recital.  That girl's going places!

Met Tyler Haws at Mac's BYU basketball camp.

Taking a rest at 7Peaks.

Jilli and a couple of her friends getting ready for their dance performance.

Another successful camp.  He was awarded a spot on the BYU all-star team.

Beckam with his baseball buddy.

"Take a picture of this, mom."

Sleeping beauty.

The kids took swim lessons from Mark again this summer.  Jilli was a "natural" and after a total of 60 minutes in lessons, she swam the length of the pool front and back.

Shopping with these guys is always entertaining.

My two amigos.

Aidan had a sleepover with us -- the tornado simulator was the highlight of the outing.

Jilli's mishap with the hair straightener.

Art City days.

And another successful basketball camp.  Mac was named "best shooter at camp" by his coach and also made the all-star team.

Got to see Ava perform as Little Miss Cache Valley at the Miss Utah pageant.

Summer is off to a great start!